Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"I Should Think"

I should think beaches sink into depression
As the tide washes the footprints of its companions away,
But after sobbing to sleep, arises again,
With footprints anew where couples walk and children play.

I should think Earth mourns a flower’s wilting,
Watching one of her children loose composure,
But nurturing seedlings year after year,
Continually gives her much needed closure.

I should think trees feel barren, alone
When all the nests are left to fall apart,
But the sound of the birds over head,
Remind the poor trees to keep heart.

I should think the parks and schools sob
When the sounds of children no longer fill the swings and halls,
But that they hold on with all they are
Waiting for those nice days and Falls.

I should think the world sometimes feels abandoned-
Like they just want to know someone’s there
Just want to see, make, hear, be a difference
They want you to know they care.

IDOMAD, 2009

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