Monday, December 29, 2008


I watch another chick flick-
This one makes me cry-
As for the first time in forever,
I understand why.

The tears pour down like raindrops
Landing on a silky smooth rose
Tears pour down as I face life
And see that that's how it goes

The movie is sad, but its only a match
And my grief ignites, my longing too
I miss her more than I understand
I miss her through and through

Is this what it was like when she died-
When I felt, but didn't know
For now it erupts so strongly
It hits like winter's first snow

As the tears roll, I start thinking
What she would want of me
She'd want me to love, want me to trust
And mostly want me to be happy

And in the mirror, I see a smile
Even behind the tears
I feel the hands reaching out to me
Calming both griefs and fears

And as sleep calls to my drooping eyes
I feel the comfort and strength of someone's arm
Oddly of the living and the dead
And yet I feel safe from harm

IDOMAD, 2008

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