Sunday, May 31, 2009

Faithful Struggle

I don't always go to church on Sundays

Or remember to give rather than receive;

I don't always say my prayers at bedtime

Because sometimes it's so hard to believe.

I don't always help my neighbors as I ought

And sometimes I don't do what's just;

I don't always stand up for you, Lord,

I guess sometimes it's hard to trust.

I don't always appreciate people,

Bit I'm learning a bit more everyday;

And sometimes I'm reckless or weary

Find sometimes its so hard to keep faith.

Sometimes my Bible sits on the shelf for months

And I don't always quite know how to cope;

So often I've given up on You and me

And sometimes its so hard to have hope.

Sometimes I make up excuses as to why

When I really just need to be more open,

But the one thing struggle won't let me forget

Is that I may be strong, but I am only human.

IDOMAD, 2009

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