Saturday, June 06, 2009



There's this miserable feeling
Deep inside my gut
This madness and frustration
That's got me in a rut.

Yet I step aside from drama,
Since it breeds and multiplies,
I know I have less of a problem
Because of the standards I defy.

But still the feeling gets me
Makes me want to scream,
Makes me feel all alone
Makes me exclude my team.

It makes me want to pull my hair out,
Makes me curse the sky,
Makes me hate the ground I walk on
But mostly, makes me cry.

I feel like I'm waiting for something
But nothing ever comes,
And yet, I have no where to go
So I stand still, feeling dumb.

It all just seems so pointless,
But I just cannot escape;
And the more I try,
The more I get bent out of shape.

Yet, somehow, through the madness
I see little snippets of beauty,
I see the light through the trees,
I see its just part of growing, duty.

I'm climbing the wall like roses
Reaching for an invisible sun,
Stretching up an endless wall,
Always more to be done.

Yet these thorns prick others,
As they catch that attitude,
I try to catch myself...
I try not to be rude.

I'm so sorry, but
There's this miserable feeling
Deep inside my gut
This madness and frustration
That's got me in a rut.

IDOMAD, 2009

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