Wednesday, June 25, 2008



I’ve seen roses with thorns and flowers with none
I’ve seen people who smile when their money is gone
I’ve felt arms so warm and hearts so cold
I’ve seen dreams come true, and dreams get old
I’ve seen people who ignore others and people who care
I’ve met people who will and people who wont always be there
I’ve seen miracles happen and lives end
I’ve seen smiles turn people from enemies to friends
I’ve seen hearts broken, and had my heart peeled
I’ve seen doors open and doors sealed
I’ve seen people who do and don’t take chances
I’ve seen people who know life is a series of dances
I’ve loved many people and hated one
And that may never change, not when this life is done
I’ve forgotten who I was and found her again
I’ve spent afternoons dancing in the rain
I’m trying to be all I can be,
There’s more to life, more I can’t wait to see

It's summer again... which means sunshine and a bit of longing on my part. I always try to find the good in life, because I know it's not all bad. That was the goal of this poem, to look at its balance and know that the fall makes the summer worth it. Things get hard for me, but
always. Sometimes I find myself scolding myself for being so pessimistic. I hate being
so lonely and so pathetic, so I try to cheer up when possible. Sometimes its harder
than others. Especially when I worry about my friends and family.

IDOMAD, 2008

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