Friday, July 25, 2008

"Two Hands, Two Voices"

There is a hand upon my ankle,

Trying to bind me once again

In the shackles of my past.

There is a voice whispering

That I can never move forward

"What is done will always last."

There is a hand beckoning me-

And saying to move on,

Saying I have a life to live.

There is a voice that praises me

For my realization,

For my path of redemption.

There is a hand that holds mine

With pride and triumph-

And free of prejudice, love.

There is a voice that sings to me

That tells me of love

That tells me it loves me

There is a hand that seeks mine

That needs mine for company

That wants mine for company

There is a voice that longs to hear mine

And needs it for its gentle song,

Needs its harmony.

IDOMAD, 2008

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