Tuesday, August 05, 2008


I’m screaming in the dark
But no sound is coming out
My throat is dry with my fear
My tongue lays flat- I can’t shout!

I scream because I’m truly afraid
But no one hears my cries
My only hope to convey fear
Lay in shouting with my eyes.

In whispering no one hears me
The sound there is also gone
Silence brings more fear
I can’t stand being alone

No one hears my cries
But they are not to blame
But my fear escalates
All the same

No one knows I scream in silence
No one knows I can’t breath
I panic, I suffocate
As I begin to seethe

A tear rolls down my face
But only the darkness sees
No one can hear me-
The worst disease

Suddenly with a gasp,
This spell goes away
As the sun begins to rise
Welcoming a new day

IDOMAD, 2008

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